Home Art Samer Ragab writes: Basma Dawood creates and shines in the series ” the magic recipe “

Samer Ragab writes: Basma Dawood creates and shines in the series ” the magic recipe “

Cairo City News - CCN

by samer

She surprised the audience with her brilliant performance in the series “magic recipe”, which became the talk of social media and people attached her role through events.

The artist Basma Dawood also revealed to one of the news sites the secret of her attraction to participate in the series and how her preparations were for the performance of the character.

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She revealed the scenes of working with stars Sherry Adel, meeting Sweidan, Heidi Karam, Salwa Muhammad Ali, Islam Jamal, Caroline Azmi and director Khairy Salem, and expressed her happiness with the audience’s opinions on social media and the messages they receive about the series and their influence on it and the character of Nahla, who performs it.

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She also talked about the injury scene she suffered during the filming and her transfer to the hospital, the most difficult scenes she performed and her preparations for filming the movie “Tita zuzo” with Star esaad Younis.

First tell us about the secret of your attraction to your character in the series ” the magic recipe?”

Through the events of the work, I play the character of Nahla, the wife of the artist Islam Jamal, and I liked the role very much since reading the script, and the first thing that attracted me was that she is veiled and was very excited after I knew other aspects of her character and was influenced by her so I agreed to offer the role, as the series is interested in discussing an important issue, which is the problems between husbands and the suffering of wives from their husbands, which makes them take decisions that turn life upside down and of course these decisions affect everyone around them.

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And how were your preparations for the role

The first thing was the hijab, from the very beginning I liked that my hijab was in the form that appeared on the screen, modern and fashionable so that I did not look like a closed or sullen character, on the contrary, I liked to appear in this beautiful and distinctive form, attention to the external form is an important part of character formation and this helped me a lot.

How do you feel about the reactions to the series

I feel very happy because of the good reactions I get from the audience about the series and their interaction with the events, I even felt very scared, especially they were sending me warning messages through work and I received thousands of letters warning me about Islam Jamal because he is married to me through work events, and this indicates the audience’s attachment to the series and that they loved my character so much that they help me, and that’s the funny thing about it, people are considered a real Nahla character, and there are many who have been exposed to what I’ve been exposed to, so they sympathize with her, and the series also discusses real issues between couples and everything that happens inside the houses, so people like these are social series that discuss their lives

What do you think about the collaboration with the artist Islam Jamal

The collaboration with Islam Jamal is wonderful and this is not the first time we have collaborated with each other, we have already worked together in several works so acting with him is good because we understand each other and we know the nature of the performance of each of us so the scenes between US appeared very natural.

What do you think about collaborating with other stars at work

Also this was a great experience.. Working with Sheri Adel and meeting Sweidan, Heidi Karam, the star Soli Muhammad Ali and Caroline Azmi, We all became friends through work and this thing is very important because it made us relax and understand each other and our scenes appear with the utmost spontaneity and simplicity because we have already become friends in fact, and director Khairy Salem is a special director who can make the location a safe place and spread the good spirit that makes us relax during acting.

How did this scene happen

There was a fight scene and I was supposed to intervene to prevent this fight, but when I intervened, someone hit me and I fell to the ground, the funny thing is that no one knows who hit me because there were a lot of people at the scene and no one could identify them even through the cameras.

What do you think about the idea of long series

I see it as difficult for an actor in filming and exhausting to work on the same character for a long time but also fun of course, the audience sometimes likes the series to be long, it ultimately depends on the story and how much it tolerates to be long or short so that there is a stretch in the events.

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