Home Art Mustafa Abou Srei offers a unique artistic role in the series “Omar Affandi”

Mustafa Abou Srei offers a unique artistic role in the series “Omar Affandi”


by samer

Omar Affandi’s series topped the lists of the search engine “Google”, and social networking sites, for the lightness of its events, and the comedy created by its heroes during the events, between Ahmed Hatem, Aya Samaha and Mustafa Abu Sarei.

The audience loved the character of “diasti”, presented by the artist Mustafa Abu Sarei, as usual with his audience in his roles, which he makes with mastery and comedy that reaches the heart

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A diastatic role in Omar Effendi
One of Mustafa Abu Sarei’s fans pointed out that his role in the Omar Effendi series came to reintroduce the character of the late artist Shukri Sarhan in the film “Al-bustaji”, because he relied on the same details of the character in the events and clothes, commenting: “the artist Mustafa Abu Sarei presents the character of diyasti in the Omar Effendi series in a very delicious comedy and the character is broken, and I think that one of the author’s sources while writing the character of diyasti is the bostaji film by the capable artist Shukri Sarhan”.

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He added:”to be able to recognize the clothes of Al-bustaji at this time, because the film Al-bustaji embodied the period of the Fifties or forties and actually the design was done in the same way and the clothes came out in the same shape in addition to the detail of the shinab and Fez, and the author explained that Al-bustaji diasti opens people’s answers and reads the ones in it, and indeed what happened in the film Al-bustaji exactly and opens the answers in the same way using the old Sabratha”.

Events of the Omar Effendi series
The series “Omar Effendi” the events take an interesting dramatic curve with Omar going back in time to the Forties period, about the character “Omar” embodied by Ahmed Hatem and falls in love with Aya Samaha and they live a romantic love story, Omar suddenly returns to the Forties of the last century, and falls in love with Rania Youssef, which will lead to complications in his life and emotional relationships.

Heroes of the Omar Effendi series
The series “Omar Effendi” starring Ahmed Hatem, Aya Samaha, Rania Youssef, Mohammed Radwan, Mahmoud Hafez, written by Mustafa Hamdi, and directed by Abdulrahman Abu Ghazaleh.

Dates and channels of the Omar Effendi Series Episode 10
The Omar Effendi series is shown daily from Sunday to Thursday at 7: 30 pm on the channel “ON”.

And the Omar Effendi series is repeated at 1: 15 am on the channel “ON”.

The series “Omar Effendi” is shown at 11:15 am on the channel “ON Drama

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