Home Arab News The Ministry of environment reviews the most prominent activities of Dr. Yasmin Fouad in the weekly Harvest

The Ministry of environment reviews the most prominent activities of Dr. Yasmin Fouad in the weekly Harvest


by samer

The Ministry of environment reviews in the weekly Harvest the most prominent activities of Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment and various sectors of the ministry during the period from 17 -24  This August, including:

The minister of Environment participates in a number of events at the “Endgame facility” workshop in Montreal to discuss preparations for the upcoming cop16 biodiversity conference :

– The minister of environment starts her bilateral meetings by discussing ways of cooperation with the new executive secretary of the secretariat of the convention on Biological Diversity.

– The minister of Environment and former president of the cop14 biodiversity conference chairs the first round table entitled ” political conditions, strategic and global context “to facilitate reaching a global agreement at the conference, and participates in the second round table entitled “trust, legitimacy and efficiency”.

– The selection of the minister of environment as a member of the global biodiversity framework financing fund within ١٥ a member from developing countries, in the framework of Egypt’s success and outstanding leadership and enhancing its leading role in the management of regional and global biodiversity .

– Minister of Environment and former president of the cop14 biodiversity conference participates in the third round table entitled “team work, management and governance of negotiators” …. And the fourth round table on “strategies and tools for rapprochement in negotiations” .

– The minister of Environment participates in the fifth round table under the title “mechanisms for managing communication processes” and the sixth round table entitled “involving non-governmental partners” .

– The minister of Environment holds a bilateral meeting with her Canadian counterpart to discuss preparations for the upcoming conferences of the three UN conventions (climate change, desertification, biodiversity) .

From Canada to Egypt, the minister of Environment completes her duties :

– The minister of Environment and the minister of education are discussing ways to strengthen cooperation between the two ministries to integrate school students in environmental work .

– Executive chairman of the Environmental Affairs Authority on an inspection tour of the Red Sea islands …Permits to practice the activity are granted in the Wadi al-Jamal Reserve .

– The minister of Environment meets with the minister of social solidarity and discusses enhancing means of cooperation between the two ministries in a number of areas .

– The Ministry of Environment launches the first interactive dialogue to present investment opportunities to benefit from agricultural waste (rice straw), as one of the outputs of the first environmental and Climate Investment Forum .

– In accordance with the minister of Environment’s instructions to follow up the infrastructure works of the Integrated City project for waste treatment and safe disposal on the tenth of Ramadan, the environment and local development are discussing with AECOM the executive procedures of the project and overcoming all obstacles to the completion and implementation of the project.

Sunday corresponding to August current:

“The minister of environment starts her bilateral meetings by discussing ways of cooperation with the new executive secretary of the secretariat of the convention on Biological Diversity on the sidelines of her participation in the Endgame facility workshop in Montreal to discuss preparations for the upcoming cop16 biodiversity conference ”

– Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, held her first bilateral meetings on the sidelines of her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop in Montreal, Canada, on the preparations for the sixteenth session of the cop16 Conference of the parties to biodiversity, where she met with Ms. Astrid Shoemaker, the new executive secretary of the secretariat of the convention on Biological Diversity. Dr. Yasmin Fouad congratulated Ms. Astrid on assuming the duties of the Executive Secretariat of the secretariat of the convention on Biological Diversity, and they discussed the most important topics related to Biological Diversity, the latest developments in preparations for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity cop16 conference to be held in Colombia next October. The minister of Environment also spoke about the importance of financing biodiversity, cooperation in providing financing opportunities for biodiversity available through the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund, and working on the effectiveness of financing to overcome this global challenge.

Monday corresponding to  August current:

“The minister of Environment and former president of the cop14 biodiversity conference chairs the first round table entitled “political conditions and the strategic and global context” to facilitate reaching a global agreement at the conference, and participates in the second round table entitled “trust, legitimacy and efficiency” during her participation in the Endgame facility workshop on the preparations for the cop16 biodiversity conference”

– Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, chaired the first round table entitled “political conditions and the strategic and global context”, within the framework of her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop in Montreal, Canada, on preparations for the sixteenth session of the cop16 Conference of the parties on Biological Diversity, during the period from Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, chaired the first round table entitled “political conditions and the strategic and global context”, within the framework of her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop in Montreal, Canada, on preparations for the sixteenth session of the cop16 Conference of the parties on Biological Diversity, during the period from 18 : 19 August, and this comes within a group of round tables included in the workshop and managed by relevant ministers and high-level officials of a number of countries and international bodies.

Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, reviewed her experience during her presidency of the conference of the parties to the convention on Biological Diversity COP14 in 2018, at a time when she was newly assuming the portfolio of the Ministry of environment, 19 August, and this comes within a group of round tables included in the workshop and managed by relevant ministers and high-level officials of a number of countries and international bodies.

Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, reviewed her experience during her presidency of the conference of the parties to the convention on Biological Diversity COP14 in 2018, at a time when she was newly assuming the portfolio of the Ministry of environment, noting that the different global situation currently makes the experience different, and also poses challenges to the presidency of the upcoming biodiversity conference cop16 also provides new and important opportunities. In a related context, Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, participated in the second round table entitled “trust, legitimacy and efficiency”, where The session was moderated by Mr. Richard Kenley, former Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, and this comes within a group of round tables included in the workshop and managed by relevant ministers and high-level officials of a number of international bodies, including the secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity CBD. Dr. Yasmin Fouad spoke about the importance of confidence-building, reviewing the experience of Egypt during the presidency of the previous cop14 biodiversity conference in mobilizing African countries, where an African summit was held on the conference, aimed at supporting the position of the African continent in the biodiversity file, and it was the launch of the African negotiators group for biodiversity in 2018. Egypt’s interest in communicating with various parties also helped the president of the conference to facilitate the taking of important decisions in the midst of the corona pandemic, which led to the transformation of meetings to the virtual format, which posed a real challenge in making the necessary decisions, as the presidency of the conference was keen to hold its necessary meetings to take decisions related to the agreement, including the approval of the budget. The minister of Environment pointed out the importance of confidence-building also in helping the presidency of the conference to come up with the necessary decisions, as Egypt faced many difficulties in the last days of the cop14 biodiversity conference, and it was able to overcome them through its credit with the states parties, explaining that building this confidence w Egypt’s interest in communicating with various parties also helped the president of the conference to facilitate the taking of important decisions in the midst of the corona pandemic, which led to the transformation of meetings to the virtual format, which posed a real challenge in making the necessary decisions, as the presidency of the conference was keen to hold its necessary meetings to take decisions related to the agreement, including the approval of the budget. The minister of Environment pointed out the importance of confidence-building also in helping the presidency of the conference to come up with the necessary decisions, as Egypt faced many difficulties in the last days of the cop14 biodiversity conference, and it was able to overcome them through its credit with the states parties, explaining that building this confidence was not It requires a nIt requires a number of specifications, including keenness to communicate with all parties, and always encouraging the working team to be able to complete the task of making the conference a success with patience, determination and determination, and this is what I was keen on in Egypt’s presidency of the cop27 climate conference and cop14 biodiversity, as the minister of Environment pointed out through her experience as a facilitator of negotiations regarding financing since 2019, the need to choose the team to facilitate negotiations carefully, to help the presidency of the conference to build confidence, and listen well to the advice provided, stressing the need to encourage all parties to reach consensus, making the conference Special, pointing out that the need to provide a parallel track for negotiations between ministers and all parties to accelerate The pace of work and encourage them to participate.

“The selection of the minister of environment as a member of the global biodiversity framework financing fund within ١٥ a member from developing countries, within the framework of Egypt’s success and outstanding leadership and enhancing its leading role in managing regional and global biodiversity”

– The Ministry of environment of the state of China and the United Nations – The Ministry of environment of the state of China and the United Nations Environment Program announced the selection of Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Egyptian Minister of environment, as a member of the Executive Board of the global biodiversity framework financing fund within ١٥ a member from developing countries, during her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop for the preparations of the biodiversity conference in Canada. The Ministry of environment of the state of China and the United Nations Environment Program, as co-chairs of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund, have extended an invitation to Egypt to participate officially in the fund.Dr. Yasmin he Ministry of environment of the state of China and the United Nations Environment Program, as co-chairs of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund, have extended an invitation to Egypt to participate officially in the fund.Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, has been selected to represent Egypt in the membership of the fund, which is a new multi-partner trust fund established by China and the United Nations Environment Program, in close cooperation with the secretariat of the convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Development Program, with an initial grant of 1.5 billion yuan (about 220 million US dollars) from the state of China.

“The minister of Environment and the former president of the cop14 biodiversity conference participates in the third round table entitled “Working Group, Management and governance of negotiators” …. And the fourth round table on “strategies and tools for rapprochement in negotiations” ،
During her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop on preparations for the sixteenth session of the cop16 Conference of the parties on Biological Diversity in Canada ”

– Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, participated in the third round table entitled “Working Group and governance of negotiators”, within the framework of her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop in Montreal, Canada, related to the preparations f- Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, participated in the third round table entitled “Working Group and governance of negotiators”, within the framework of her participation in the “Endgame facility” workshop in Montreal, Canada, related to the preparations for the sixteenth session of the cop16 Conference of the parties to biodiversity, during the period from : 18 August, where the session was moderated by Mr. David Cooper, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Biological Diversity, and this comes within a group of round tables high-level representatives of a number of international bodies, including the secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity CBD. Dr. Yasmin Fouad reviewed the difference between the negotiating facilitators elected from the convention and the creation of bilateral ministerial teams to facilitate negotiations on certain topics, confirming through her experience as one of the ministers responsible within the bilateral ministerial teams for facilitating the negotiations of the global framework for biodiversity during the COP15 biodiversity conference, that this model has helped to provide support to the presidency of the conference. On the other hand, Dr. Yasmin Fouad participated in the fourth round table on “strategies and tools for rapprochement in negotiations, and the session was moderated by Mr. hesecio Benitez, director general of international cooperation and implementation in the state of Mexico, and Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of Environment, stressed during the meeting on the need to pay attention to all the visions presented by the negotiators, and formulate them through technicians and all participants.

She added Dr. Yassmen Fouad that there must be communication between the presidents of successive cop conferences because this will facilitate the work of the next president of the confere

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