Home Arab News Cristiano Ronaldo : the football in Saudi Arabia has changed because of me

Cristiano Ronaldo : the football in Saudi Arabia has changed because of me


by samer

The Portuguese star, Cristiano Ronaldo, the captain of Al-Nasr, confirmed that he did not feel any pressure when he moved to Saudi Arabia, noting that football in the kingdom has changed because of him..

Ronaldo’s conversation with former England and Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand came via his official channel on “YouTube””

“Honestly, there was no pressure during the transition, I was not under any pressure, I didn’t feel any pressure,” Ronaldo said via his YouTube channel “UR Cristiano”.

“For me the pressure is people who are exposed to wars, who have no food, who deal with gunshots at night, that’s the real pressure,”he stressed.

Cristiano Ronaldo celebrate Al Nassr Al Wehda 2023

Ronaldo added: “the feeling of pressure was zero, of course you have other issues to think about like,’ Does this make sense? “ Will it work out on a professional level But to be honest, I felt free””

“I showed my level wherever I play, I knew that I would show my level there (in Saudi Arabia) too, I would improve the league, and I knew that the players would follow me,”he explained.

“I knew that the players would follow me, not only financially, which is the main point you can say, but also because of the football culture,”he added.

“I knew that the Saudi football culture is beautiful because I have friends who have played there before, and there were Portuguese coaches there.

“Of course, if you ask me, do you expect big stars to move there so quickly?” No, but I was expecting that football would change because of me, I believe in myself, not only in football but in other areas as well

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