Home Art Martina Adel proves her success in the Omar Affendi series

Martina Adel proves her success in the Omar Affendi series


by samer

The young artist Martina Adel achieved great success after her participation in the series “Omar Effendi”, which is currently being shown across many platforms, the work starring Ahmed Hatem, Aya Samaha, Miran Abdul-warath and others

Martina Adel is considered one of the young artists who appeared on the scene recently, and achieved great success, but her beginning was through the theater, where she participated in a number of theatrical works, The Last of which was the play “Dream sweetness”, which was shown at the National Children’s theater.

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The artist “Martina Adel ” also caught the eye during her role in the Omar Effendi series, which plays the role of the dreams of the girl who will steal the heart of diyasti, a postal employee who lives in the Forties and hopes to join the guerrillas and save Omar’s life after he was shot by the English and become his close friend later, especially that the scenes that brought together the artist Martina Adel and the brilliant actor ” Mustafa Abu Srei” garnered a great interaction from the audience, where many pointed out the beauty of the scenes and their great love for the character of ” dreams and diyasti. ”

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